How long do you meditate for each day?

ในห้อง 'Buddhist Meditation' ตั้งกระทู้โดย vicky.p, 13 มกราคม 2009.

  1. vicky.p

    vicky.p สมาชิกใหม่

    13 มกราคม 2009
    I am interested in how long people on here meditate for each day on average. I realise that the length of time in meditation is perhaps not important as such, it is perhaps the quality of meditation that is important, or the reasons behind it, but nevertheless I
  2. zipper

    zipper เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    24 กันยายน 2004
    If I have time, I'll make meditation before sleep. Lay down on bed and make meditation sometime may take time about 30 mins untill fall asleep but sometime didn't take a long time.
  3. ภัทรอังคาร

    ภัทรอังคาร เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    3 กรกฎาคม 2008
    For me, the average time that I spent on mediation is 30-40 minutes a day. If it's peaceful the time might extended to maybe an hour. There is no standard fix time for meditation, but you should do it on a daily basis. Minimum for 5 minutes and you could gradually increase it, maybe sit for 5 minutes for about a week. After that in the second week increase to 10 minutes, in this way you will slowly absorb the peace and tranquility. You will find that meditation is not all that difficult.

    The main point is when you do mediation just try to throw away whatever is in your head and just concentrate on being peaceful. Try not to think of anything for 5 minutes, just follow your breathing in and out.

    Wishing you all the very best and every success with the meditation. May you progress strongly in Dhamma, na ka.
  4. ดอนฮวนแห่งตะวันออกฯ

    ดอนฮวนแห่งตะวันออกฯ สมาชิก

    23 พฤษภาคม 2008
  5. White Plumeria

    White Plumeria สมาชิก

    7 พฤศจิกายน 2008
    For me, the meditation is everywhere and as long as we take a breath and when we are with it, that is the meditation. You no need to close your eyes only meanwhile you can open your eyes and do whatever, working, excercising, running etc...on your worldy duties. The main point of all meditations is realization the reality of life and how much can you accept the worldly conditions and how can we reach the supreme happiness the state of mind...There are many kinds of meditations so you have to know which one is suitable for yourself or your manners. People have different ways to deal inself. Somes refer to The Lord of Buddha 's preachings or any religions' beliefs and somes just want to keep serene on thier minds only. Meditation will attain you to be calm and purify your mind cosmical. As long as you continue taking it, you will see yourself changing and feel the mind developing layers. It's only individual comprehension for the one who can act and conduct oneself properly. Whoever gets the wisdom from meditations, he can touch the power of insight and see through the immortal nature inself will be clarified and enlightenedly how the over lasting substance is...
    If you know the key of the meditations, you will immediately pass it through undoubtedly. Itโ
  6. ภัทรอังคาร

    ภัทรอังคาร เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    3 กรกฎาคม 2008
    I really like this comment and fully supported it. Very wise and knowledgeable and whatever he said here is quite self explanatory. I found it difficult to maintain my concentration on meditation during my work. Because I am more concentrated on my duties rather than my breathing. There are so many ways and directions that I have been instructed and in the end it comes to the same things, peaceful mind.
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 14 มกราคม 2009
  7. Nirvana

    Nirvana เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005
  8. bhothisata

    bhothisata เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    2 ธันวาคม 2008
    Yeah,if you ever have a chance to listen to all Arahats,I guess they will tell you "Meditation is in everywhere as long you remind in all actions that you know,do it as much as you can no matter what time if you have a chance.Just like you are talking to your friend and you recall about meditation you can do it without your friend knowing it.Feel your breath in and out, and if you forget for a while try to recall back again.If you can't recall it no more after you try to fight it and feel stress just let it go.When you remembering your meditation do it again.If you feel headache stop doing it,just relax for while and look something around you.This will give a faster results more than any kinds which we call A-na-pa-nas-sa-ti.No matter what 1 seconds or how many minutes when you remind about meditation you can do it unlimits.Further more when you see or hit some thing you enjoy or delight,recall about meditation right away,raise your mind to nirvana even you probably never know where it is,but think about its peacful.This is the easy way to hit nirvana among the your daylong.More over,do it while you are about to sleep in your bed until you sleep.The time when you sleep will tell you what kind of contemplation you are.It will be in that contemplation till awake.If you feel fresh after you wake up,it mean you might be in the deep contemplation more than first chana.It may be hard at first,but do it often as you can.You will win you mind.Human being mind is attached to lust ,greedily,etc for many decade.The way to torture our mind just like to drop a water in the glass.Every single drop or more drops of water in the glass just like you remind your meditation in any way you like.Be patient and try to fill the water into your glass.When the glass is full of water,then you can use it.Remind that meditation is just the basic to praticing Buddishm.The goal is Vipassana to nirvana.Vipassana is insight meditation to know what is going on between or around us.The circumstance or status of suffering,unreallity,impermanent or not lasting long which we should concentrate as more often as sitting,sleeping,standing and walking meditation.Godd luck in your way.
    I suggest you to find the Arahat one to move you way faster to hit nirvana.Listen to normal people like us even me in the website will walk to slower than you find the right teacher.Just share your experience I had while you looking for the real teacher might be help you out a little bit.Here is the guy you can talk you own language,
    Mark Nunberg
    common ground meditation center. 3400 east 26 street ,Minneapolis,MN.
    Should locate in internet and more info about meditation.I met him not so long,about 2 monthes ago.Not talk to him much,but know by my mind insight that he contacts some good teachers and more advice from him because he teach insight meditation and normal meditation.I do it by my own way though,I have been vowing to be in the future,then I have to learn by myself.
  9. chattrg

    chattrg เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    18 สิงหาคม 2007
  10. ชนินทร

    ชนินทร พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    27 ตุลาคม 2007

    When I wake up in the morning, first thing that I do everyday, automatically, is thinking of the Lord Buddha, or praying, or thinking of death, uncertainty, the 4 Noble Truths and so on.

    When I take a shower or go to the rest room, I call to mind that my body is very dirty, ugly, and smelly. Also, it is not fascinated or attractive at all. It is only corpse. The body is only a house where I stay for a while. When the house is worn out (die), I have to find the new one. This body is not mine. I am not in this body. This body is not in me.

    When I take any kind of food, I consider that it is as much dirty as my body. Finally, both (the food and myself) will be declined, rotten, stinking and become nothing.

    When I have free time, I like following my breath in and out (inhale - exhale) until I fully feel relax and happy. Moreover, I enjoy seeing the Lord Buddha in my mind. What I all-day-long do is wishing others and all beings to be well, happy, full of love, forgiving to one another, healty, wealthy and have peaceful sparkling mind.

    When I am blue, or in the condition that someone treats me badly, I will forgive them as soon as I can. Because it is no use carrying all that big fire with me all the time. Also, I believe in reincarnation with the whole of my heart. Therefore, I must have used to treat them like that before.

    In conclusion, I do the meditation all day long as soon as I can. Because it is extremly important to me, my life and my future destination.

    I wish that everyone - not only the Buddhists but also most religion followers - realises and appreciates the usefulness of the meditation.


    I like to add that, in real life, you can do the meditation everywhere or whenever you like to do.

    Because meditation is all about peacefulness of your mind. ( Although, Enlightenment is the final absolute goal for us all).

    If you want to be happy for , just say at least, 5 mins. do it 5 mins.. Whenever you want to be happy all day long, just meditate all day.

    It's not that difficult. When you know how to do it correctly, and take action, you will suddenly realize that it's a piece of cake.

    Let's try eating cake everyday, shall we? ^___^
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 24 มกราคม 2009
  11. v.mut

    v.mut เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    23 เมษายน 2006
    You are quite right Vicky. Anyhow The length of time is relevant to each people experience background and the aim of practice on each stage. However the contineous practice/ regularity is very importance.
  12. วิญญาณนิพพาน

    วิญญาณนิพพาน ทีมงานอาสาฯ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    6 เมษายน 2008
    I do meditation about 30 minutes and up, it makes me feel great after finishing it. Wish u guys here keep doing it everyday, it can help u to b a better person, believe or not.
  13. Faithfully

    Faithfully เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2009
    I certainly to make for sure that my body, my mind , and concious to composed inside everytime, whenever, walking, eating , working talking 'til i fall asleep, that be rise inside my meditation everyday and everytime, too.

    Have a good time for all, ka
  14. Jin

    Jin เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    27 พฤศจิกายน 2004
    Most importantly, meditation is something you must pratice on a constant basis in order to get a good progress..If I am very busy, five minutes is sufficient for me else I 'd sit until my body gives up.

    During the day, you may try pausing your wandering thoughts for couple minutes..might be quite difficult at first but slowly you will get better with time.
    Now I can perform my routine office tasks and at the same time chanting(inaudible of course)/counting my breaths.
  15. vibe

    vibe เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    4 มีนาคม 2005
    I try to meditate throughout the day when I remember to; by knowing what I'm doing, while I'm doing. I also make time every evening, at least 30 minutes a day, to physically sit down and meditate but then again, it's quality not quantity that counts.
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 13 พฤษภาคม 2009
  16. Prichasamart

    Prichasamart เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    3 มิถุนายน 2008
    For me,1-1.5 hour before bed time. :)
  17. kungfuloma

    kungfuloma เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    27 เมษายน 2009
    I'll take a break for a while when i feel that i'm not able to concentrate during meditation.
    In a way, we think alike coz i think if i don't do it right it's not worth doing it at all.
    At the very first I started from 10 mins. Now I'm able to do it up to 1 hour.
    My routine starts from prayer, dedication of merit, and meditation.
  18. Pleiadi

    Pleiadi สมาชิก

    12 สิงหาคม 2004

    I think so this comment and fully supported it.
  19. dharmathai

    dharmathai สมาชิก

    6 พฤศจิกายน 2008
    being conscious and aware of every waking moment

    I also like the comment. Of course is its difficult to maintain mindfulness whilst working, or whilst talking with, for example people who are difficult to handle or get along with, but if we practice first to try and be aware of our breath whilst we talk with, lets say, people who are calm and quiet and favourable to our character first, then once we have developed the ability to maintain mindfulness with the easy situations, only then can we hope to confront and overcome the more distracting situations. One thing i would like to guarantee, is that once you have found the real mood and sensation of what it is to do things whilst maintaining mindfulness, then it will become much easier and one day almost second nature to you. Getting the knack of mindfulness takes a while to manifest. Some of us 'think' we are meditasting but actually we are still just thinking and not doing.

    Once thinking becomes doing, then we know what the mood feels like and can remember that state of consciousness the next time we try to meditate. 'Jam Arom' is what we call it in Thai.

    Its a bit like riding a bike, meditation. Once you succeeded in real samadhi or mindfulness, you will know how to return to it by remembering the mood and immersing yourself in it, letting it absorb you (or you absorb it)...

    if we have time to breathe, we have time to meditate
    enlightenment is one breath away
    death is one breath away
    samadhi is one breath away
  20. Sinderking

    Sinderking เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    26 ตุลาคม 2006
    approximately 45 mins but not on a daily basis because before of the exhaustion from brainwork job. having inspired by this topic (yeah!), i'm going to force myself to do it everyday from now on.

